stefanocps  Freshman Member


  • do i necessarily need to use SECUEXTENDER software? I have tried only setting up a remote connection on windows 10 but it doesn't work, it says "tunnel attempt could not be done" or similar ( i translate it from italian language)
  • ok great, i was concerning about all that traffic could slow down or even block my wan traffic
  • hello i have the same issue. Created a VON rule in easy mode, and evene if i go to expert and delete i get error Latest firmware on router is USG20W-VPN
  • hello i have already done that, i have 2 pc set on different rdp port already. But event if therre is no more 3389 open , i still can see bruteforce attack
  • ok., it looks like i have to reboot. Now no more port attack on the address x.x.x. 5 because my router is on x.x.x.55 But i have a problem, the main router forward all the request to the adress x.x.x.5 so now i cano use any service, expecially the remote desktop thai is what i need. I know i could call the provider and ask…