livealive  Freshman Member


  • 可能需要知道樓主家中環境,例如: 家裡幾層樓? 全部樓層都需要使用無線? 還是公寓式沒有穿樓層的要求(最多隔一道牆)? 以及對於WiFi連線需求方面有無再更高要求(例如無線網路測速結果要接近上傳要多少M以及下載要幾個M的需求,價格上考量因素等等。 另外天線越多越好,信號越強? 概念上是,尤其是有隔愈多牆的環境下,天線越多,基本上是比一根天線要來的好,但也不是越多就越好,它跟信號強度和發射功率有關,假如一根天線能夠傳輸50m,那十根天線也只能傳輸50m,而發射功率是有嚴格規定的。天線的增加對信號強度的提升微乎其微,甚至同頻率的天線之間還有干擾。 因為無線通信有不同的傳輸協議,以下列出目前巿面上最主流的ac以及MIMO技術:…
  • Hi @saibko WAC6103D-I supports WDS ( Wireless Distribution System ) for signal extension.Here are some suggestions:1.The max number of repeater APs can connect to one root AP is 5 (1 root AP + 5 repeater APs).2.The suggested hops number of APs build the WDS the max limitation is 2 for throughput concern.For example, there…
  • Hi @saibko Do you would like to use wireless signal extension like WDS topology? Or do you want to use Ethernet extender cable for each AP?
  • Some points to consider are: 1.What will the 200 STA be doing (emails, watching videos, social media). 2.Number of AP to deploy depends on the floor plan , 3.Per client data rates, client density per AP you need. 4.Will the users be mobile for roaming 5.What is the capacity of the uplink (to the internet)
  • My experience in the open area environment like office or else is suitable for ceiling mount, and if it is like a corridor environment, more narrow, then use wall mount more suitable.