USG60 - two networks connection thru LAN1 and LAN2 - how?

I am stuck on the following.
I have two offices with their own networks and gateways to Internet.
USG works as router and Inet gateway in Network 1.
Network 1 - mask gateway (USG itself) => plugged in LAN1 zone.
Network 2 - mask gateway => plugged in LAN2 zone.
The goal is to connect these two networks, regulating access policies to their resources.
E.g. to allow from LAN1 access to only one host from LAN2.
And from LAN2 access to only specified hosts in LAN1.
I tried several options, including bridge, but I'm in doubt if I did the right settings...
My bridge ended up in total blackout, I've lost my remote access to LAN1, thus no access to USG also...
So, I couldn't get this to work.
My previous result was only access from LAN to several devices that support mac-based communication. As I understand, tcp/ip worked incorrectly.
The question is what should I do to get it work?
Thanks in advance.
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