I guess I just have to live with it, but next time I`ll check into Asus or another company. I could get a pretty good router for the money I spent on three Multy`s, and probably have better speeds with just one router than I get with three now. I understand that I loose speed through walls and that the majority of the…
But still, my connection is 500/500, so I would think that it is enough with 855? I find it very strange if I have to have three router from Zyxel to do the same job that Asus did with one...
I used Asus RT-AC68U in my previous house. This was a little smaller than the one I currently live it, but still; this was only one router and it provided a good speed through the whole house. With mesh I thought it would be at least just as good, if not even better, but that`s not the case at all...
I did some more testing today. On the first image, I stood 1m away from my main router, on the second I moved 10m away from it, but still with no wall between. It cannot be supposed to drop this much speed on just 10m? I have had multiple routers on 5 gHz in the past, and they have never lost speed like this.
Here you can see the current setup with one router in the hall. Then, I`m thinking about getting a third router. Then I can have one upstairs, one in my office (cable to computer) one in bedroom 2 with cable through the wall and into bedroom 3. Would this give me a better experience?
I have moved the second to a more open place now. And I have 6m from office to second. Shouldn`t this be able to give me full speed? With my phone close to the second I get 450/450. I have under half the size of the house that you say will give good speeds, so I really thought this would give 500/500 also in my office?
Here you see it.