Weihsiu  Freshman Member


  • Re:Zero − Starting WiFi Life in My First House When I was studying away from home, I had to endure many years of inconvenient internet while renting. Sometimes, the telephone jacks were covered by renovations, making VDSL unusable. Other times, PON wasn't available in the area, so I had to use Cable or ADSL. Even my…
  • 謝謝 Zyxel 的專家 Nat 幫小弟解決問題!沒想到半夜還可以在短短幾分鐘獲得解決方案,太誇張了啦! 結果竟然是我本身有線網卡的問題,這下誤會大了,真是不好意思。 Armor G5訊號真的很強,補足本來家中Wifi黑洞就差這一台,再次推薦大家。 <3
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