Zyxel_Dean  Zyxel Employee


  • The disconnection was probably something with our server at that time, my test kit also got interrupted, seem recovered now. I suggest try giving the APs static IP just to resolve the dhcp logs we're seeing. Maybe this can stable the management of the AP. BTW, did you happen to have a fritzbox as the uplink/gateway? 
  • Hey Niklas @DerLord , As an alternative, perhaps you could filter the MAC of that S6 edge and copy paste it into and excel file, I am trying to look for abnormal log entries at or near the time the issue happened. Since you mentioned other clients are not having this issue, we can focus on this client for now. I do hope…
  • @DerLord The log is almost same as what @Carlos4311 said, if a station idle for too long, then the AP will de-associate the client. Is it possible to provide a snippet of the eventlogs while this happened? I will need to check unfiltered logs before and after the event 2 hours. Also I'll need sometime to try reproduce this…
  • Well, lets exclude things one at a time. Lets try turn on "avoid DFS" channel to see if clients get disconnected afterwards. Some additional info, what are you using as uplink? did you have anything that is blocking ARP ping to the gateway?
  • Hi Markus, The cloud-auth logs , NCAS related are an indication of the connection to the authentication server. If you are not using cloud auth related features, you can just think of it as connectivity check. For the system releated ones , the dhcp recovery you mentioned are the AP triggering DHCP renewal and trying to…
  • Hey @Volker , You probably can reach out to D&H or Ingram, they should be the first distributors getting them. If you really can't wait or have specific needs, I think it's best if you directly contact "sales@zyxel.com" they should take good care of you. :)
  • Hey @nboeckmann It's seems fine on our sites, It may take a couple minutes perhaps 3-5 depending on how busy the AP before the statistics are able to be polled to the cloud. could you check now if it's displaying?
  • Hello Thomas , Once you've registered the AP to Nebula, and it is online and configuration up-to-date, it will auto sync with the admin/psw in general settings page in your site. For the 2 factor auth problem, you will have to input the pin code within 30 secs, otherwise google authenticator will refresh and the original…
  • Hi Markus, Could you provide the eventlogs in for the last 12 hrs(with no filters applied)? you can either export or copy them into an excel file if you're not pro pack. Aside the 2 APs you mentioned, are there more APs in your site that is working normal?
  • Hey Nils, Thanks for putting attention on this, we've fixed the problem now. Feel free to let us know if anything is out of the normal. Cheers!
  • Hi guys, We noticed this already and is under investigation. Will let you guys know when there's more info. -Dean
  • Hello @OmanDry , We're so sorry for the inconvenience that has caused you :s , the issue was fully resolved yesterday. Normally configurations should take no longer than 3-5 minute depending on the provisioning speed of the device. Since now the issue is resolved, let us look forward to the phase 5 Nebula upgrade today :)…
  • Hi @AITI Thanks for the reference, good to know where the rule came from and the details decribed in it. So recapping from my previous reply, for USB storage it does not get auto deleted, you may have to delete them on a regular basis manually. Upcoming features this week will include reporting the log to syslog server, in…
  • Hello @smrbrts , Sounds like your requirements should be fairly easy to accomplish with Nebula. Due to the fact that Nebula has made configurations quite intuitive, I encourage you to sign in to Nebula Control center and get a feel for the configuration scheme. It is significantly less sophisticated compared to the UI of…
  • Hi @Nebz You can refer to this FAQ https://businessforum.zyxel.com/discussion/399/how-to-setup-facebook-social-login#latest =) 