[090902]LED Light Suppression Request
Even though the LED's on Multy are pretty low, in a bedroom where I have it, it actually lights up the entire room with its glow. Are there any options to suppress the LED and only turn back on blinking if there are link/backhaul issues or during configuration?
[090901]Multy Device Making Hissing Noises
Laying near the Multy device in a quiet room, I noticed low electronic hissing, buzz and 'static' type noises coming from the device. Possible capacitor related?
[090708]Suggest, that Multy asked for all permission direct after start, not during setup progress
Hi, GPS rights will be asked later, Gallery rights will be asked later / Take picture, this confuse the setup progress. Please asked for all rights in begin of setup flow / after installation. BRs, Tobias
[090707]Picture 2 is not clear
Hi, the picture in page 2 is not clear, may wrong format or size or whatever. Please remove the fuzzines. /Tobias
[090702]Picture should reset counter to move automatically
Hi, the 3 points show different picture, when you swipe manually to i.e. 2 to 3 it start in few seconds with 1. Please make the timer higher or stop auto change picture or remove the points. Issue: When you change to picture 2 and wait 1-2 seconds then change to 3 it will (counter still running) move to picture 1 very fast…
[090703]App language and browser language different
Hi, the APP is currently English only, but the login / registration then change to browser language. So if APP is English, it should also use mycloud SSO login in English. /Tobias
[090704]Authentication show no further information
Hi, these application have thr right to do the following: EMPTY Please add some information here. /Tobias
[090705]Add Multy tap button, yes, but which button on different page?
Hi, the message is confusing... the Add Button only works in 1st page, so the message should be change or add some "redirect link" back to Add a Multy. /Tobias
[090706]Blue Multy Animation when APP start overwrite with loading circle
Hi, sometimes the login to APP or Start APP, a blue circle overwrite the nice Multy Animation, can we please keep original style always? BRs, Tobias
[090709]APP may crash
Hi, If Multy is not connected and you keep 3 minutes in Turning on multy and go back, APP may crash no cable / no power, just go to the Wizard, last step, keep page 3 minutes. Then go back, Multy APP may crash. /Tobias
[090710]Without login, version is grey, as minium we should see APP version
Hi, when we´re not login, the Version is unclickable. We await that minimum the APP version can see here, also without login. BRs, Tobias
[090728]Sometimes without Multy in APP, the page swipe show wrong format
Hi, sometimes we have a grey column when we swipe when no Multy is connected. /Tobias
[090712]Multy Crash under Android 8 several times during using APP
Hi, just click i.e. Version Icon right corner and back, Diagnostic Test twice or some other "funtion use", the APP will crash many many times. /Tobias
[090713]FRQ: Make some time settings (how long it takes till LED blink blue) during Wizard
Hi, see summary. /Tobias
[090714]LAN Port 4, for WAN only
Please highlight, that only Port 4 can be use for WAN connection. It´s clear in picture, but may red arrow to Port 4 or one more sentence is required for end-customer. /Tobias
[090715]LED Color Issue during finding Multy
Hi, the LED in picture is blue, but in real process it´s white in this step. BRs, Tobias
[090716]Diagnostic Page, sometimes have loading issue, need restart APP
Hi, sometimes (not reproducable) the Diagnostic page fail loading. /Tobias
[090717]Format Issue, please make sure, the naming is in circle
Hi, for better design, wish that Bedroom and Internet is fully in the circle icon. /Tobias
[090718]Diagnostic Tool, Download Speed always 0
Hi, i fail with Diagnostic, to get a result for Download Speed. /Tobias
[090719]Multy crash, during Diagnostic "Testing" and check Firmware Version
Hi, start Diagnostic and during "Testing" click right corner Info icon to check Firmware version. Go back, then 85% the APP crash. /Tobias