Jon_Snow  Freshman Member


  • Do you mean that you move the APs for physical sites but not sites on NCC? And, the APs are in the same site and the names are changed back to their MAC? 
  • 網路是怎麼慢法? 是開網頁很慢?還是播影片很慢?還打電動會頓? 家裡的網路速度多快? 如果不是網路本身速度的問題,可能是家裡有死角或是訊號比較弱,可以考慮 Multy X
  • Is the deployment used in a school or office? What would be the compartment and the top number of user in an area should be? You can use tools to check if the RSSI is ok for every area and it's better higher than -65dBm. If you consider to do roaming, the overlapping area should be not too low to disconnect. If there are…