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Hi @Zyxel_Kay Thank you. Do you also have a similar guide for Nebula devices? For example, as you see in my screenshots, there is no md5 hash. Where do i find it? And in regards to report the false positive, see picture bellow. It ommits where to report. Kind regard, Michael
Dear @Zyxel_Stanley Any news for the matter? Kind regards, Michael
Dear @Zyxel_Stanley We already have our DNS Server listed under "Custom nameservers" and the nameresolution on the vpn-client works flawlessly. The problem is, that the Firewall (DHCP) does not register the vpn-clients on the dns server. So i cannot resolve the hostname of any vpn-client computer on our network. This is…
Dear @Zyxel_Jeff Regarding your questions: 1) It happens when the OS tries to download it in the background as part of windows update. 2) No, but I do also not know where windows update stores the files or how long they hold it before deletion. 3) Yes, we can do that.
Dear @Zyxel_Jeff We are using ATP500 and it's only the sandboxing. Attached you find the screenshots. Settings: Report from the week of the MS patch day in february: Secureporter History from MS Patch day this month: I did not include the Report from the March Patch day because the new weekly report from SecuReporter does…
Hi @Zyxel_Jeff Thanks for the help. Are there any plans to update the database on windowspatch day? I does not make sense for the users to report these false positives because they are going to happen on every patchday. Kind regards, Michael
Dear @Zyxel_Jeff Thanks for the fast reply. I assume it works the same for on Nebula? This happens after every patchday from microsoft with the .net-Update. Isn't it possible for you to update your database after every patchday? Kind regards, Michael
At least you have a whitelist ;) On Nebula you don't even have one. So we are stuck with installing by hand or disable the sandboxing feature.
Hi,it's marked as suspicious. Attached you find to picuters. I couldn't find the path you wrote. Propably because we are using nebula. Let me know if you need something else.