How do I shut down the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI?
Question : How do I shut down the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI? Answer : The user can navigate the Web-GUI path Maintenance > Reboot/Shutdown > Enable Schedule Reboot > Click the 'Shutdown' button to reboot the firewall. Once the 'Shutdown' button is clicked, please ensure the PWR/SYS LED is off, then disconnect the…
How do I reboot the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI?
Question : How do I reboot the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI? Answer : The user can navigate the Web-GUI path Maintenance > Reboot/Shutdown > Enable Schedule Reboot > Click the 'Reboot' button to reboot the firewall. Once the 'Reboot' button is clicked, the 'Rebooting' message will pop up. Please wait a while for the…
How do I set up a monthly schedule reboot on the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI?
Question : How do I set up a monthly schedule reboot on the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI? Answer : The user can navigate the Web-GUI path Maintenance > Reboot/Shutdown > Enable Schedule Reboot > Enable the 'Monthly' checkbox option and set the specific time that the user wants to reboot the firewall monthly, for…
How do I set up a weekly schedule reboot on the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI?
Question : How do I set up a weekly schedule reboot on the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI? Answer : The user can navigate the Web-GUI path Maintenance > Reboot/Shutdown > Enable Schedule Reboot > Enable the 'Weekly' checkbox option and set the specific time that the user wants to reboot the firewall weekly, for…
How do I set up a daily schedule reboot on the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI?
Question : How do I set up a daily schedule reboot on the USG FLEX H model using the Web-GUI? Answer : The user can navigate the Web-GUI path Maintenance > Reboot/Shutdown > Enable Schedule Reboot > Enable the 'Daily' checkbox option and set the specific time that the user wants to reboot the firewall daily, for instance,…
How do I check the Nebula connection status using the CLI on the USG Flex H model?
Question: How do I check the Nebula connection status using the CLI on the USG Flex H model? Answer : The user can use the CLI command 'show state nebula callhome-status' to check the Nebula connection status, as shown in the example below where the USG Flex 200HP connects to the Nebula normally. usgflex200hp> show state…
How do I check the Nebula connection status using the Network Tool on the USG Flex H model?
Question : How do I check the Nebula connection status using the Network Tool on the USG Flex H model? Answer : The user can navigate the local Web-GUI path Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool > Choose Nebula Status to check it. Click 'Test' to check the Nebula status. Confirm that the Nebula Status is connected.
How do I download the configuration file from the Nebula for the USG Flex model?
Question : How do I download the configuration file from the Nebula for the USG Flex model? Answer : The user can navigate to Site-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Backup & Restore and click the 'Download' icon. Click 'Confirm' to download the configuration file The configuration file will be successfully downloaded.
How do I back up the configuration file to the Nebula for the USG Flex model?
Question : How do I back up the configuration file to the Nebula for the USG Flex model? Answer : The user can navigate to Site-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Backup & Restore and click 'Backup'. Enter the description and click 'Confirm' to back up the configuration file. The configuration file will be successfully…
How do I set up the scheduled backup configuration function on the Nebula for the USG Flex model?
Question : How do I set up the scheduled backup configuration function on the Nebula for the USG Flex model? Answer : The user can navigate to Site-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall > Backup & Restore and click 'Schedule Backup' to set it up. The user can choose the frequency to 'Monthly,' 'Weekly,' or 'Daily,' then…
How to update the firmware on the Nebula for the USG Flex H model?
Question : How to update the firmware on the Nebula for the USG Flex H model? Answer : Once logged into the Nebula Control Center successfully, the user can navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Firmware management > Firewall. Check if the status changes to 'Upgrade available,' then choose 'Upgrade now' and save it to update…
What is the meaning of the symbol during the starting services and config-apply processes?
Question : During the starting services and config-apply processes, the user can observe some symbols, what is the meaning of the symbol during the starting services and config-apply processes? Answer : During the "starting services" and "config-apply" processes, users may observe various symbols representing different…
How do I switch the language on the Zyxel USG Flex H model?
Question: How do I switch the language on the Zyxel USG Flex H model? Answer : The user can click the Language icon located in the top right corner. Then, choose the desired language. For example, the user selects English. The user selects 繁體中文(Traditional Chinese).
How do I navigate to the Tutorial Video page from the Web GUI on the USG Flex H models?
Question : How do I navigate to the Tutorial Video page from the Web GUI on the USG Flex H models? Answer: The user can click the Help icon located in the top right corner. Then, click Tutorial Video to be redirected to the page. The user will find many useful tutorial videos to learn how to operate Zyxel products.
How do I check the Nebula connected status from the dasboard on the USG Flex H model?
Question : How do I check the Nebula connection status from the dashboard on the USG Flex H model? Answer : The user can check the Nebula status from the Dashboard page. As shown below, the Nebula status is Connected. The user can also navigate to the Nebula Control Center path: Site-wide > Monitor > Devices > Firewall to…
How do I check if the WAN IP is working and if I can ping successfully?
Question : How do I check if the WAN IP is working and if I can ping successfully on the USG Flex H series model? Answer : Once the user completes the WAN interface settings, they can navigate to the Web-GUI path: Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool then select the WAN interface and ping to verify that…
How do I check if the WAN PPPoE IP is working and if I can ping successfully?
Question : How do I check if the WAN PPPoE IP is working and if I can ping successfully on the USG Flex H series model? Answer : Once the user sets up the PPPoE settings and successfully dials the PPPoE connection, they can navigate to the Web-GUI path: Maintenance > Diagnostics > Network Tool then select the WAN…
How do I perform firmware recovery on USG Flex H series models?
Question : How do I perform firmware recovery on USG Flex H series models? Answer : Below are the steps using the USG Flex 200H with V1.31 firmware as an example. STEP1. Boot up the device and wait for the console message: 'Press any key to enter debug mode within 3 seconds. ..................' then enter the debug mode.…
Does the USG Flex H model support 10G SFP ports?
Question: Does the USG Flex H model support 10G SFP ports? Answer: Yes, the USG Flex 700H model supports 10G SFP ports on P13 and P14. For instance, when the USG Flex 700H connects to a 10G SFP port on P13, the user can navigate to the dashboard of the local Web GUI to see P13 connected with a port speed of 10Gbps, as…
How do I check which IEEE standard the PoE port operates under using the CLI?
Question : How do I check which IEEE standard the PoE port operates under using the CLI? Answer : The user can use the CLI "show state poe port port-number" to check the current POE IEEE standard. For instance, the user checks that the mode is AT for Port 3 of the USG Flex 500H, as shown below: usgflex500h> show state poe…