Arnaud  Freshman Member


  • i've had the answer in private message, didn't saw. i'm applying i'll post result. i m very perplexe that french support team know this problem for me since at least 4 years .... and the only answer was : reboot device, it's not intended to run 24/7 .....
  • Hello, I have the same problem with a USG40W. I see on the FTP two firmwares that look like the one you're talking about for the USG20VPN, here: can I apply either to solve the problem, and wich…
  • Hello to all. I have known this problem for at least 4 years with several USG40W, at the time we were in version 3 of the firmware. the symptoms are always the same: everything works fine for a few weeks, then everyone gets disconnected from wifi. Zyxel has been asked several times, their answer is always the same: you…