Beorne  Freshman Member


  • While trying with all the WAN Interfaces I have found that the default WAN interface is the right one. I have FTTH and probably VDSL_VoIP was not the right one.Thanks you all, this forum is full of very supportive people.
  • I have other WAN interfaces, like the following: --> I don't know where to find the Interface WAN configuration page, prthaps the problem is there but I haven't found it. I have tried to connect from ouside the local network with my friend PC and the result is the same, I can't connect. I have put the IP in DMZ, now all…
  • Yesm, no problem, you are very kind.This is the main router connection status window: This is my local network PC setup window, in wihch you se my PC local IP address: This is the NAT settings window. I have configured a game, Dominons, that uses a single TCP port, amd emule that uses a TCP and an UDP port: This is the…
  • My WAN IP is IPv4. Yes I am configuring them for access from outside, my public IP can be pinged so I can be reached, I have "opened" a single TCP protocol port on Wan Interface VDSL_VoIP (I think it is right for my fiber, but I have tried all the WAN Inteface options and the result is the same). I have checked the local…