

  • At last!! Thak you @Mijzelf, it worked!
  • I just did another test: I created a new MyRepo directory under admin, then moved all the packages from the zip file under MyRepo. Then went to the MetaRepository configuration page and enabled the "Local" repository. Unfortunately it did not help… any suggestions?
  • Hi @FireBall ! I finally took the time to follow your instructions. I uplodaed the package to the NAS and uncompressed it in the //NAS/admin/zy-pkgs directory. The result was a bunch of packges in the subdirectory zyxel-fw4-zypkgs of the zy-pkgs directory. That did not work as intended, as I could not see the packages from…
  • Thankyou @FireBall !! I'll test ASAP and will get back to you!
  • Hi, I have a Zyxel NSA 325 V2 with FW 4.81. I installed MetaRepo and refreshed the list of packages. However, I do not find the NFS package: Isn't it available anymore? Thank you in advance Cris