Sorry i think I was imprecise yes Germany Yes CPE but - no it’s a business Contract there are not many devices which can handle the cable Internet connection i booked and get a static IP v4 from ISP To be correct 4 but I still can use 2 i think I’m not the only one who have use the atp behind a external router all other…
It’s not correct to be clear the ISP providing the Internet via cable tv So I can’t connect the atp direct it have to be through the Fritzbox cable Internet -> Fritzbox with ststic IP -> exposed host atp with Lokal Fritzbox IP Whiteout nebula i created a WAN Object and gave the fix ip And I could use this object to bind it…
You’re right But nebula don’t have the option to refer to the static ip this would be my favorite the nebula dyn dns points always to the static ip Also it’s not important if I use the static IP or the nebula dns how I said, the static IP would be my favorite i don’t have any experience with zysh scipt I will look around…
The problem I would solve is, if I will use the automatic vpn configuration the nebula Dynamic dns Domain Name points to the internal IP yes I can change it manually… but I think there must be a smarter way and the router is correct configured, so the atp is exposed host and can handle all incoming traffic if I change the…
ich habe eben gesehen, auf der Übersichtsseite sind sogar beide IPs zu sehen, die Reale WAN und die Fritzbox Adresse. also in Nebula sind beide bekannt, nur wie kommt diese an die richtige Stelle ____________________________- I lockt around in NCC and I found on the overview both IPs, the real WAN IP and the internal…