I try with Linus. Only the 1st (small) part of disk I can see. <SLOVED>. I use the "R-Studio Data recovery" and I save the 95% of my files. ALL OK.
3TB, but only 1TB is the files.
I try PhotoRec (I don't format the disk). No success. I try with UFS Explorer Professional. I can see ALL my folders and files, but I need to pay for full functionality. Is there any tool like that for free?
I think the maximum size is 3TB, so you can put 2x3TB.
NO the disk is OK. I put it, in sata2usb adapter and works fine, but I can't see all my files on windows 10. (I try several free tools) I can see only the "public" folder not the "video", "photo" and "admin". I have many critical files there. I try in ubuntu also, but not success.