I think thats not possible for 2 time segments in 1 day. found this post someone asked before
Hey DerLord, I may as well try this too, I have a client of mine telling similar things but sadly it's difficult for me to gather enough info as common folks only speak of "wifi disconnect" "no internet" and "I don't know" .... (sigh) What App were you using for streaming? I don't have a Samsung phone at hand, what else do…
You could actually verify what carlos is mentioning by entering the client page and select those clients which you are seeing the logs to check if the client had any traffic around that time. Seems it would only take a simple srceen off or a coffee break to meet this log. BTW I couldn't find any timeout config either,…
懂了! 感謝
剛剛拿一台沒在用acv2裝韌體試試 也在Nebula上面註冊機器了 但AP的管理介面原本可以設定的選項大部分消失了 請問這樣正常嗎?
提供一些資訊~ 有些牌子的手機黏性真的超強, 尤其塑膠殼的通常會比金屬殼收訊更好更黏, 有時會有同仁抱怨訊號/速度很差但實際上只是他手機黏住AP該放不放而已... 好處是 可以看出哪些手機廠牌有用心在做 :lol:
但每個站台能設定個別的時區, 如果按照網管自己的local time會不會更難懂?
no teasers :smirk: ?
I like this concept! it does require some time to troubleshoot, being more detailed does help alot.
同意原PO的想法, 第一次登入還真的有點不知所措 +1
yup, it's my ISP changing IP alright, after DC the IP changed as during that period is not able to ping, solved! thanks guys!
@Nebula_Dean I am using dynamic IP as told from my ISP, also they told me it is possible to happen disconnection if IP is reset, which mostly happen around 4-5 AM. @newtype thanks I'll try your method to see if it's because of my ISP service
I dont have PoE schedule, also I don't think DCS is the problem too, it doesn't make sense to show offline when it is performed. I need to check with the ISP for my building, don't know what they're using my guess is probably dynamic since its charging me cheaper than their advertisements
感覺只要virtual server mapping有設對應該就可以連線了, 跟outbound應該沒有甚麼關係 除非你有設deny all才要允許特定流量通過. 或許再檢查一下設定?