* Thank you for your help, after upgrading the firmware, everything went ok!!
I have a Zywall 110 with fw version 4.30 (AAAA.0). I didn't change any interface name, I only activated an SSL vpn, but I don't think this should influence... Where should I look for interface names? Furthermore, the interface monitor does not report any error, see image...
Ok, thank you! I'll try, actually mi trouble is that I am a Zywall dummy!
Is there a guide to configure my Zywall 110 as a L2TP VPN server behind NAT with Dynamic DNS? I am getting mad to resolve this problem!
I am looking for the changes to apply after having used this guide:
Thank you for your quick answer, I already configured ddns. My problem is to activate a vpn through wan2 that has dynamic ip and DDNS service. Because when I reach the step where I have to configure the host object I cannot do that... May You send me a guide about how to configure a L2TP VPN using dynamic ip? As I found…
PS thank you for your quick answer!
I would like to do that, but I don'y understand how to create the Host, using dynamic ip. Do you have a guide?