

  • Update: I have tried to make a VPN tunnel between home (USG50) and the branch (USG60) and everything works. I can probable live with that, since there are vacant IP numbers available for the branch also.(*)But even when I delete all the entries from both USG50 (home and company) and build new tunnel from scratch - doesn't…
  • 1. Verify that your Windows 10 IP is the same that you want. " ipconfig /all " 2. I presume you can access your desktop remotely from your own network, so you have activated the feature in W10. I remember there are rules in Windows Defender for three types of networks, please allow traffic from all of them to 3389 
  • I did manage to find an error in the order of the route policies on the home USG50. Now I can ping Company's router and one device on the network that is not that picky about pings. (Receipt printer) However pinging from company's computer (Windows or Linux) will not go through to home network. Also attempts to connect to…
  • Thank you for the reply, The subnet is 24 bits in the LTE7240. (, mask I guess if it would be shorter then the traffic could be sent to LTE router instead of the tunnel? Is that what you were thinking?