👍️ Ok it's perfect. Thanks Judy !
Hello Judy, thanks, your answer is perfect and the problem is solved. On the XGS2220, the VLAN was declared in "normal" instead of "fixed". Last question : what is the difference between this two values ?
Hello, Thanks, it's muche clearer ! Last question : so, if a fiber is cut somewhere in the ring, the blocked port on the primary will go to forward state? Thanks.
Hello Melen, Thanks for answer. I have more questions now :) 1 - What will happen if I put more than 16 pieces of equipment? Won't this just lengthen the convergence time? 2 - with Ringv2, can I create a ring with my 40 RGS220 and my XGS2220? I found little documentation on this. Will this replace RSTP? Do you have a full…