Gray_0  Freshman Member


  • Hi Again Mijzelf Found the error, looking me in the face. The NAS520 is up and running Many Thanks
  • Hello again Mijzelf Following your guidance I have manage to access the NAS520 via SSH and running the command you identified seemed successful. However, I still get the 'Download list failed' after running the 'Retrieve from Internet' in the Apps page on the device. On the NSA320s I am having difficulty accessing via SSH,…
  • Hello Mijzelf Thanks for your response. I have once again followed your guide. At the 'Retrieve list from Internet' stage I still get ' Download list failed' on the NAS 520 and 'Currently, there are no packages. Please use "Retrieve List From Internet" to update package list' on the NSA320s. Any further thoughts would be…
  • Hi monkeynia, I have tried Mijzelf's suggestion numerous times to no avail. The problem starts when I try to install Metarepository, only get a text file, which obviously doesn't open any link to download this app. Not sure we're I go now other than probably obtaining another suppliers NAS Housing. Purchased the NAS520 in…
  • Like Lee 626 I am at my wits end. After upgrading the firmware on my NSA320s and NAS520 I too lost all the apps. I am also having difficulty in pairing my NAS520 to ZyXELCloud. Although I am running FW 5.21, when the help notes state I should be ok with 5.20 and above? Not sure if the two issues are interrelated? I have…
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