If it is possible to be LAN2 as DMZ, then set the outbound rule to restrict the traffic from LAN2 to LAN1 to protect with. Virtual server is still set from WAN to LAN. it may be a workaround to realize on NSG.
Yes, policy-based gateway is only for 1 connection. What is your VPN topology? Azure is as HQ (like Hub role), and other branches (like spoke role) connect with azure?
Virtual Server can be reached the puepose of port mapping to a specific server on LAN1 through WAN.
I am a Nebula enduser from JP. My Nebula organization name is smart home. I like the Nebula, because it is easy to setup Zero touch VPN on NCC.
what is your network topology:grey_question:
Cool idea!!!!
Let me guess... you already have AD or Azure AD, right? So you want to let user authenticate the user profiles(ID and password) located on your existing AD OR Azure AD to access VPN or Network Access Method on NSG, is it correct? :smile:
Hi FrankIversen It sounds good, but what the scenario you want to use?
hi Ocean77 SPF-SX-D tranceiver is a Gigabit SFP, so you need to set the port link to 1000M.
bug Did you configure your outbound rules?