thanks for your answer. I have no access to GUI, that's why I'm asking. Any other option to update the firmware? with ftp i have an 500 OPTS UTF8 not understood and typing the password give a 530 Login incorrect, so i'm not able to access…
i've read In case you can access the GUI, please send a HTTPS - Full Admin User to the Support Team, and we will assist you to upgrade the device to the latest firmware. We need HTTPS access on the port you open on SRC WAN IP: / SSH is not needed. If…
Both sites are using different subnets and the setup seems to be ok, but no way to reach one network from the other ... maybe should I add some route policy??
Thanks for your answer. Finally the VPN is connected, but I have to access from one network to the other. If I ping from 192.168.1.x to 192.168.2.x (or viceversa) it’s imposible reach. Any idea?? Thanks in advance