I can not open the link for it is useful for me when I create 1st vpn connection. but for 2nd vpn…is it ?
If I want to allow someone(wan) access Synology NAS(lan) from wan though ddns , what I should set on firewall?
If I want to allow someone(wan) access Synology NAS(lan) from wan though ddns, what I should set onfirewall?
There is one router only. Client->switch-> USG110 router->internet. There is no other router in network.
Not Always, but sometimes pop up when user start computer
Dear Jeremylin, After change router, some computer pop"select network location" sometimes. It is not always happened. Maybe per 1-2 months once... Not all computer, but some....
Dear Charlie, There is another question. After change firewall, sometimes, nslookup is Ok but fail to ping and access web by to check it?
but I need to keep vpn
sorry, is block client access to device via wan with any service....
block client access to device via https & ssh I try it before...but fail... yes, same subnet.....when I use old server, it is ok, when I use new server,sometimes will be that(not always.)
Dear Vic, Would you answer me some question ? Regards, IkkI
I have sent config file to Emily before.
Hi, The last method can not solve the problem... Anyone help?
Thx for advise, I have set DNS already... But some client will suddenly can not connect.... Browser will show disconnect randomly. There are less than 50 clients only....