Thanks @Mijzelf for the reassurance Interestingly I could not do an orderly (hold power button) shut down so had to do a plug pull but it's back and indeed still on the old firmware. I will just let it nag me to update and ignore for the foreseeable future
Thanks - no fw_setenv process to be seen. I will try a reboot this afternoon and report
I can ssh in so had a look around There is a firmware upgrade running as ps shows running (hung?) commands /bin/sh -c /usr/local/apache/web_framework/bin/executer_su /bin/zyfw_downloader 521AAZF3C0.bin 1 0 /bin/zyfw_downloader 521AAZF3C0.bin 1 0sh -c…
it is Bitdefender (sorry I'd missed the question :))
I went on it with browser developer tools on and it there I saw that my virus scanner/firewall tools was very helpfully "preventing me from sending a password in clear" Hopefully this can help others