

  • Thanks a lot for that comment. Didnt mean to mark it as solution tho (yet)😅 This works, yes. But the problem still exists then. The shared adress of Web-published NAS-folders is publicIP:port/folderName and I don't think one can change this. Therefore I cant forward to the folder. Just to the port. Do you know if there is…
  • thanks! What I meant was forwarding through CNAME, which leads to incorrect visibility (iFrame) or not having the domain visible in the url-bar but instead the actual location of index.html etc (=http://publicIP:port/Myweb/Website). Now as you already mentioned, one cant map a domain to ip:port. That seems to be the…
  • Thanks for your answer. As I understand, what you suggest is forwarding the domain. But the problem is, that if I forward mydomain.tld to myPublicIp:Port the website is shown incorrectly (on invisible forwarding) or the public ip is still shown in the url bar (visible forwarding). Do you know what I mean?
  • Yup the websites is published through the router xx.xxx.xxx.xxx through port 5000 (http) or 5001 (https) through port-forwarding
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