Jaster  Freshman Member


  • Alomost correct. Sometimes I can not access the devices via name. 1. iPhone SE. Windows 10 Enterprise, Windows 10 S, Windows 10 Home. Most of my machines are up to date. 2. Any client connected via wire, not over wifi 3. yes/no an unmanaged switch is in between 4. Cleints access it via http for management, for file shares…
  • 1. The Width of the dispay is to low to see the full address and the app does not support rotation. 2. sure. 3.1: Yes. 3.2: Yep 3.3. Its a Raid OS (unRaid) running SMB (3?). Some Clients can access it, other can not. Always windows clients and only occuts if clients are on wifi. unRaid provides a Webinterface, which is not…
  • I did some more testing. Anything regarding DNS is not working if it is a WiFi -> Wire Routing.
  • Q1: That works, but moves DHPC to the "Modem". It would make much more sense if I could configure the IP Address range of the Multy and just assign an IP within that range for the modem. Q3: What kind of screenshots would you like to have? Network is very simple: Multy -> Cable -> Share Multy -> Cable -> Client -> Can…