Even the firmware versions match. I'm starting to suspect it's incompatible with the printer too. Kind of sad as the printer is probably quite common even if it's quite old. And the later models 1020 and 1022 probably have the same problem as they are pretty much the same (they use the same driver).
Well... I tried it with these instructions. I'm now on the Windows 8.1 machine so I used the built in drivers. (HP does not offer drivers for Win 8.1 on their page since it's already built in to the OS.) Other than that I did everything like instructed and the result is still the same: Windows gives an error message and…
My network topology for is exactly the same for the Windows 8.1 machine. It is connected to the NBG6515 with an ethernet cable and everything else is working properly. Windows 7 machine is connected through WLAN. The printer is connected to the USB-port of the NBG6515. My setup procedure for the printer I used is exactly…