

  • Thanks you for your explanation, it does look little different from Cisco routers.
  • Thank for your answer, I thought I was crazy because I couldn't figure it out why it was not working.. I will save your name for future questions.
  • Thanks you, your explanation does help a lot. I set up a simple lab with 2 routers: R1 and R2. Those routers are connected to each other on the wan port but I cannot ping R2 wan interface from R1 wan interface. Then I set up a static routing on both router like you normally do in CISCO router but still nothing.What am I…
  • One feature that I would like to add is to have the ability to encrypt the GRE tunnel with IPsec to make it secure for routing packet between site.
  • I have couples routers connected to each others with OSPF routing protocols and also some VPN between those routers. I would like to configure those VPN interfaces into the OSPF so if one of the link is down, I can use the tunnel to route some packets.