Laurent  Freshman Member


  • Hi Hikari Guest Wifi doesn't experience that problem. Does that mean it do not use this parameter (PMF is disable on Guest) ? Is there something i can do for help debugging ? Anyway, I'm glad you found a way for connecting me to my local WiFi network. Thank you so much for your quick and efficient help !
  • Hi Hikari It works ! Even with strong password. It makes me wonder to a lot of questions... Does that mean that Galaxy A70 doesn't support PMF ? Or is it a communication probleme between A70 and VMG8924-B10D (they don't speech the same language ;) ) Or is it a bug of VMG8924-B10D ? It seems that if i've been connected…
  • Hi Hikari Thank you for helping I did the test with no password, it works ! Simple passwords like 12345678 or ABCDEFGH doesn't work. Another test, if i give the wrong password, i got an error (wrong password) If there is no error (password correct), i got a never ending connect/disconnect