Hi, I have the same problem. I thought it could be solved by using the policy route as mentioned in this post but all internet traffic is being switched between WAN1 and WAN2 even with the policy route applied.
Mine worked before as well.... both SSID's are in the same organisation.
Goodmorning Dean, It is with all types of devices. Best Regards, Ling Kwang
Hi Dean, I found some " No response from NCAS over 15 seconds: NCAS disconnected " or "NCAS disconnected " but in about 3 min later it shows NCAS connected: 204 Server is Alive
Hi Dean, yes, the Login by is Email. the NCAS disconnection" behavior, is set to "allowed" I cannot find NCAS disconnected disconnected. there is 204 NCAS is alive message. We have to AP's we are loging in the same AP. I also rebooted the gateway as well as the AP this morning. At this moment I returned to use WPA2…
I use the email as username.
Hi Dean, it shows never, so there is no expiration time due. LingKwang
AP eventlog shows: Station: mac address has blocked by Auth Failed(AAA Profile: default) on Channel: 11, SSID: XXX, 2.4G, reason 23, interface wlan -1-1