This is what Tftpd's log says when I try to update it: "Connection received from on port 1825 [06/03 18:31:51.748]Read request for file <ras.bin>. Mode octet [06/03 18:31:51.749]File <ras.bin> : error 2 in system call CreateFile Määritettyä tiedostoa ei löydy. [06/03 18:31:51.750]Connection received from…
Hi Hill! I tried both of those methos, but I can't seem to make these work. When I install that Tftpd32 and try that recovery, I can't see anything happening on Tftpd32 software, so there isn't anything transfering. Should i put that "ras.bin" to some specific folder/directory, 'cause I just created a folder to my desktop…