Hi, the screenshot that you see is from the ISP router, you see two rules for 433 because one rule is fot tpc/tp and the other one is for udp. I still have the problem: webdav works only in http. I have also called the ISP provider to investigate if there was some block from the network from their side but no lucky. I…
The SSL certificate could interfere ? I have never configurated SSL on NAS.....
Hi, I attach the pictures: with http I can connect.The port opened in my router are showed in the picture. Webdav is opened in tp and udp from 5000 to 5002.Thank you again. Thank you again.
Thank you for the replay,I can connect to my NAS using the internal network ip assigned by modem. If I connect from external IP (public IP) I see the login page but I can`t login (it takes time and time, no error anyway)