

  • Hello Judy, I wanted to follow up on this support request to let you know that with your help, we were able to successfully resolve this issue. Want to express my sincere gratitude for your excellent support and solution implementation. I also appreciate your prompt and open communication throughout this issue, and I have…
  • Hi Judy, thanks a lot for your quick reply. ZYXEL Support is always unique - fantastic what you are doing😊 I have gladly triggered the INVITE for you. Regarding SITE/ORG you can find this in case #366714. Additionally I will send SITE/ORG data to you privately. Focus of this request is based to the problem mentioned by…
  • Hi Judy, I have looked at the initiated NIC Trace on WAX devices for you and evaluated it on a layer level in debug mode. The picture in the results for analyzing the problem is clear. Release of NCC remains interesting. In short, an adjustment of the NCC or a firmware update of the WAX devices is necessary for a solution.…
  • Dear Judy, Your support is perfect, and I want to thank you for that. The released version of NCC is undoubtedly interesting and comes with work for you in support. As an ESCAL engineer, I currently have more than 1000 devices with issues, and the Access Point issue mentioned by @SurfersParadise is replicable on every AP…
  • Your support and what you Judy are doing is more than amazing. My information on this issue with updates from my side was not published and was blocked by ZYXEL. Enabling new technologies to transform is never frictionless. Considering that ZYXEL operates on a SCRUM basis, it leads to fantastic results. However, compliance…
  • Hello @SurfersParadise, for RePro I sent my data to @Zyxel_Judy, too. Knowing ZYXEL for many years very well, I'm sure that we will see a solution / fix quickly. Looking forward to hearing from @Zyxel_Judy :-) Thanks for you update, Marcolino
  • Hello SurfersParadise, I can confirm your issue and that you are not allone. Since the NCC update 3 days ago this is by design. I'm getting the same error messaging when I try to update SSID Schedule or Broadcast. ZYXEL updated our WAX610D Devices after the new NCC Update, but this is not only one Issue after the NCC…
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