Marke  Freshman Member


  • Hi Nikki, The device is connected directly to our manageable switch. Every reboot/reset of the device has a log in our SNMP server. We have 2 units of VES1724-56, connected in different site. The other one doesn't have any reboot/reset problem encounter. We used the VES1724-56 to connect the remote sites using…
  • Hi Nikki, Here is the system info. Sometimes 2 - 3 times a day. Thanks,
  • Hi Nikki, Thanks a lot for sharing. I will try it. Cheers,
  • Hi Nikki, Again and again, i experienced same problem. The device keeps resetting, not just rebooting. I've always checked the logs every time the auto-reset happened. Please see below the screenshot. As you can see, the device had reset itself without management command. The time also reset back to default January 1 that…
  • Hi Nikki, My inband management IP was Domain name server Thanks for the replies. Cheers,
  • Hi Nikki, Thanks a lot, i already saw the logs of the device. My problem now, how can i interpret this logs. I already tried to find it on the device manual but i can't find any relevant information regarding the logs details. Do you have any idea how can I interpret this logs? I already corrected my timezone format, maybe…