I had to read a few times but I think I got it now, thank you. So since I've the RG502QEAAAR11A03M4G, I've to install the updates in this order from top to bottom: RG502QEAAAR11A03-R11A06 ⇒ RG502QEAAAR11A06M4G-R11A07 ⇒ RG502QEAAAR11A07M4G-R13A02 So the newest module should be that R13A02. I hope it works… EDIT: I…
Hello again. I did this test and it seemed like the issue was gone: for a few days, in the morning I always had internet on. But today, once again I noticed from my cellphone that Wi-fi was offline, so I booted my computer and once again connection was offline… :( About the suggestions above, I still had to try the Module…
Hello everyone. Thanks for the replies. Somehow I missed them. To answer Internetheavyuser: No, even before booting my computer, through my cellphone I see the Wi-fi is off. Then I boot my computer and it confirms connection is offline. I tried your suggestion: now I've "Network Monitoring" enabled (all the other options…