Unfortunately, didn't work that way you suggested, Kim.Could see the HD but no files. It took 5 days to transfer files from the old NAS to the new one. Disappointingly slow-wonder if it was due to my local network. Big files went up to 30-40 MB/s, smal files just few KB/s. But the most important, to see movies on my smart…
Thank you Mijzelf for the suggestion. That was what I'd do if the disks weren't full. So instead i'll buy a new disk and do as you described: mount new disk in the NAS326, copy files from the one of the old ones (in the NSA325), take it out, mount it into NAS326, format it and then copy files from the other one. This third…
Unfortunately, formatting HDDs was mandatory. NAS recognizes HDDs but not the files on them It'll be new HDD :)
Thank you for the quick response! I'll definitely give it a try. Will let you know if it works.