NEP  Ally Member


  • Thanks. I'll look into that tomorrow.
  • Does "So on LAN interface" mean that WAN is then the opposite? Regardless, is there a way to limit this VLAN's traffic leaving on the WAN?
  • Yes, I want to limit the upload going out the WAN. How can I add the bandwidth limit to the WAN if it's also used by other LANs? Why wouldn't it work as configured? My understanding is that ingress is traffic heading to the connected device from the ZyWall, while egress is traffic heading to the ZyWall from the connected…
  • @PeterUK I marked your response as the answer. Also, added some information to the original post because the process was slightly different than I expected. Namely creating the VLAN on the other Base Port. You can only have one of any VLAN ID so it must be moved. Anyway, thanks for your help.
  • Perfect! Thanks for the clarification Melen.
  • It does have Port Groups. Suppose I didn't think about that with the original setup. Right now the ports are a different interface (ge). So, guessing I would need to add the VLAN to the original interface and then change the second port (ie. bolt-on infrastructure) to the same port group. Or would the steps be different?…
  • Thank you for that. That is what I was trying, however, I was looking at the config for a "GS1900-24EP". That is where I found the "system name 'Testing'" command. Guess that means that this method cannot be used with any two switches because commands are all different. That's kind of a bummer. Anyway, thanks again for the…
  • Thank you for that @Zyxel_Kay. Can you be a little more specific about "pasting the configuration from your XGS2210 using commands"? Specifically, the pasting and commands part. I opened a console and tried pasting an innocuous line like "system name "Testing"", but it didn't do anything. I even tried going into Configure…
  • Ok. Thanks for the help. At this time, we don't have two malfunctioning and one functioning controller to provide. This has been handled by our installer. I just handle the management. As such, I suppose this matter can be closed without being resolved (not Zyxel's fault). I am at the mercy of the installer and can't…
  • Sorry for the delay in responding to this, but my hands were tied and still are to a degree. The installer (who is also the KT-1 tech) has not analyzed the controller. I am told they are too busy. However, I have received some pictures from them of the controller board. I don't see any visible issues but I'm also not an…
  • @Kay Thank you for responding. I am waiting on the answers to your questions. Just reached out to our installer and it sounds like they had an issue with manpower, so getting the answers has been delayed. I will get back to you when I have what you asked. Hopefully this week but it's outside of my control. Thanks again!
  • Hi @Zyxel_Kay, Sorry for the delay in responding. Had to get some information together. Zyxel switch utilizes active PoE in accordance with IEEE standard, which requires communication with the peer device to confirm PoE requirements before supplying power, so the switch will not shutdown peer devices power. Could I ask if…
  • I don't recall marking this as answered, but I do have it working with SecuExtender SSL and MS Authenticator. Thanks @zyman2008. I had edited the original post about a note that I saw. Are you aware of Non-SecuExtender IPSec VPN Clients not supporting MFA? I would consider the SSL VPN to be one such client (based on name)…
  • That is where the VPN Gateway "RemoteAccess_Wi" points too. It's the next tab over in the UI. Unless we are talking about different things. The config page looks exactly like what you posted though.
  • Pretty sure I followed what you said. Here is what it looks like now. This does not work without the Wi-Fi off either. The phone simply shows "VPN Connecting…" and a loading spinner.
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