Thank you Mijzelf for answer! I installed cron and it work properly (i tested with 1 min script) until NAS reboot. After reboot it doesnt work, and i need to start Entware (?) by this commands: mkdir -p /i-data/298a8096/opt > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p /opt mount -o bind /i-data/298a8096/opt /opt /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung…
I installed Entware on bots NAS, Then i run following commands: #start entware tools mkdir -p /i-data/298a8096/opt > /dev/null 2>&1 mkdir -p /opt mount -o bind /i-data/298a8096/opt /opt /opt/etc/init.d/rc.unslung start PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin:/opt/sbin #copying SSH keys to ~/.ssh, nessesery after reboot: mkdir ~/.ssh/ cp…