

  • Thanks for the information. I will inform my client and if necessary, we will approach the mentioned solution. Our country code is Belgium and it was already defined in Nebula. So I was curious about the explained calculation. Thanks for your support. Regards Rashad
  • @Zyxel_Bella Much appreciated for the explanation, it's clear now. But could you please explain if this calculation does not break the regulatory rules ratified in ETSI? 2.4GHz bandThe max power limit is 20 dBm (100 mW). "The result of 2.4GHz is 28dBm" 5GHz band channels.5150 – 5250 MHz (36 to 48 ) the ETSI has set the…
  •  @Greenlight @Zyxel_Bella Thanks for the information guys, But I'm afraid I'm still confused. For example, for the Cisco Aironet 2802i AP with the integrated antennas, the output is calculated like this. Level 3 (WLC) = 11 dBm in the 5 GHz(AP's board/chip) + integrated antenna gain 5dB = approx about 16 dBm total TX power.…