I was able to solve the problem. It was my fault as I had invalid characters in the WiFi password
@ USG FLEX 500 firmware The running firmware is V5.35(ABUJ.0) @ APs to the latest version The running firmware is V6.50(ABTE.0) @ In case, the issue still happens I think I could solve the problem. I am now using a psk with a maximum of 15 characters with upper+lower case characters, digits and speacials. I assume that the…
Hi Zyxel_Judy Thanks for taking on this issue @ ...In case, there are more than one Security profile I have created two profiles and there is still the default profile @ ...check whether use the correct security profile for the SSID profile I've tried that several times. I can connect to either of the two SSIDs but only if…
Today I did the update on the ZLD 4.35. Since then I can perform several settings such as changing Firwall rules only via the Easy Mode. That is not practical...can i change this feature???