RogerJames  Freshman Member


  • Hi Hill I have tried your recovery procedure several times, but with no luck. Everything is set up as described, but I see no Transfer window pop up. Local IP adress is setup as described. I can't see I've done anything wrong, it just seems like NBG6616 is dead Lan 1 LED on the router is on, but nothing happens.
  • After upgrading to new firmware, it did not come back into operation. I waited 20 minutes, then restarted it, and then it was dead. Is there anything i can do ? What is the Firmware recovery procedure you are talking about?
  • I have the same issue with my NBG6616 After a firmware update, it died completely. However, I can't ping even though I boot and hold down the WPS button at the same time Is it completely dead, or are there any other opportunities to communicate with it After power up, the Power lamp turns off again and only…