Speed59  Freshman Member


  • Hi, It occurs frequently enough to be a bother. I've tried upgrading the FW 5.13(AAXA.7)C0 fails, errors with "Illegal image" then the router reboots. I'm wondering if it's because my current FW is 5.11(AAZA.3)C0 and not in line with AAXA versions.
  • Hi, AS you can see from my screenshot, my current version is V5.11(AAZX.3)C0 so I'm wondering if 5.11(AAXA.4)C0 to 5.13(AAXA.7)C0 will even work due to the difference in the lettering of the FW versions. When I do try to upload the *.bin file, I get an error regarding an "Illegal image" then the router reboots but doesn't…
  • Hi, just saw this now. the image i had/have is from Zyxel's website. There is a 5.11(AAXA.4)C0.zip file as well as 5.13(AAXA.7)C0.zip. I am currently on 5.11(AAXA.3)C0 so it's possible I have to upgrade in steps instead of the big jump. I'll testing this out tonight
  • Hi all, I'm finding that mine has the same issue as described. Once the WLAN/WPS led goes Solid I lose ONLY Wifi connection, unable to log into the router via ANY web browser and therefore has to physically turn off/on the router. I still have yet to update the FW to 5.13 but unsure if that will fix. How did either of you…