After login and a few minutes, this is what's coming up in the web browser: which is very similar to the situation described here: except for the SSH console working correctly
Sorry @Zyxel_Cooldia I realized now that I also have SSH access enabled from our LAN so here's the CPU load, any other information you may need from CLI ?
Hi @Zyxel_Cooldia following a few days of observation, I realized now that the Web UI gets very slow down to not responding after a few days of uptime. It seems to me that this is not related to any specific setup but I may be wrong. Reboot solves, and appears again after days. Of course I can't debug while not working…
Hi @Zyxel_Cooldia sorry can't share the detailed configuration for security reasons but it seems working correctly for the moment.
Not sure that I want to try this worktime, perhaps during the weekend...
Hi thanks for answering. Pls find below the DNS setup and hw/fw revision page. Regarding the other data, I must tell that this morning there was a reboot of the firewall and now access to web UI is normal, no more issues. So it might be a glitch due to saving the new configuration. My only concern is that this happens…