Thanks. There is a lot of information and I try to understand the steps. What I've done in the meantime. Yesterday, I connected the NAS to a network where I had space to back up data. I turned on the NAS and let it work. I wait until it is fully initialized and reread the status. If I can't access the data, I will reinsert…
On the 27th I changed disc 2. I read some articles here on the forum and on the 28th I proceeded to repair the raid from the web interface. After about 30 minutes I started to hear the beeps again, it took me out of the web interface and at the storage manager I had the option to repair the raid again. I left it like that…
Hello, I have raid degraded, I replace disk 2, follow the steps to repair it, after a few minutes of loading took me back to the repair page. I check and this is my status: ~ # mdadm --examine /dev/sd[abcd]3/dev/sda3: Magic : a92b4efc Version : 1.2 Feature Map : 0x0 Array UUID : ba107b29:c0145772:da954bd1:e8ed408c Name :…