"About the python code, my Tweaks package has a function (in Disable daemons)" OMG i'm stooped. Shame on me, I was even posting Tweaks screenshot at rsync-cron topic, but totally forgot about unneeded deamons. And is pretty simple now: /sbin/ntpdate $myrouter. Good news: I found out why my scripts from cron…
Unfortunately TZ-var way had fail on me. Even full path(/usr/local/zoneinfo/Asia/Hong_Kong; /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Hong_Kong; /i-data/.system/zoneinfo/Asia/Hong_Kong) after TZ= doesn't make a difference. I mean I see after "echo $TZ" what I expect to, but after "date" is UTC still. I guess I can't struggle zyxel's python…
just leave this here