Ok, agree a NAS without LAN is useless. I have tried to find a way to uninstall the cloudagent, but with SSH the usual linux commands are not working on the stock OS. On the net, I found a tutorial how to get OMV running on a external drive (USB-Stick or SSD). It was working, but then I run into other problems like fan…
Ok, I will try to uninstall the cloud agent. I already found the part in Tweaks, where to disable unneeded deamons. Just wonder, that this cloud agent behaviour is only on my station when there is no LAN. I know it's unusual to run the station without LAN connection (when not needet). But it is still a bug in my view.
Thanks, I found the cloudagent.log right away in /i-data/xyz/.PKG/myZyXELcloud-Agent/log/... The part in the log about the same time as disk log looks like this: At 2019/01/28-00:21 it realizes that LAN connection is off tries to loginto somewhere? How can I switch cloudagent off? I guess I don't need it anyway because I…
Ok, I installed Tweaks package and recorded a log with the disk monitor. Start logging (disk go into standby after 10 minutes): Then, 30 minutes later, I disconnected the LAN cable from the station and the fallowing processes started to write to the disks repeatly: so, 2 processes are writing to disk while LAN is…
Thanks, I will try to get more information from the station and see what keeps the disks running.