

  • Amazing work, thank you Mijzelf. The DNS on diskstation had got past the point of being usable for me. Without you I'd have an expensive cost for new NAS'. I had to use: metarepo.tk/Users/Mijzelf/zypkg-repo/ in my web_prefix file. For some reason with the http:// or https:// it wasn't pingable from the TCP\IP tool in the…
  • This worked for me too, thank you for posting your solution. Edit - I posted too soon. Turns out it was an intermittent connection to zyxel.diskstation.eu I just had to keep retrying and eventually it connected long enough to retrieve a package list and install metarepository.
  • I created this account to say a huge thank you to @mijzelf for tirelessly supporting zykel nas owners. Thanks to you I was able to smoothly upgrade my NSA320 from SMBv1 to SMBv2. The NAS now continues to serve me well, 9 years after purchase.
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