

  • Thank you for this. What i want to ask is what maked Zyxel to have this features in indoor routers and not in outdoor ones? I had expressed my feelings for this features in the previous discussion there is nothing more to add i think :) Merry Christmass to all btw.
  • Dear Judi There is no special application except that one of the greek providers here (Cosmote) gives with 2nd APN and if you request it, the ability to have public IP with reduced speed. This is very good and you can put 2 APNs with one sim card and pass to you lan the 2nd Apn connection with a 2nd vlan. We do the above…
  • Dear Judi I never mentioned that i need the Wifi of an outdoor router and i dont understant what this has to do with the settings that are missing. Its an outdoor router and correctly Zyxel has wifi only to be able to alter settings for it. Anyone who buys an outdoor 5G router, buys it because he has the need for better…
  • Dear Judi You understand that you just told me to replace the FWA710 with an indoor router? How much time this will last in the outside? Anyway at least can you do something for the other options in the cellular wan like the crucial setting which is the MTU? Kind Regards Chris
  • Dear Judy Before i buy the router i had read the whole manual because i wanted as i expressed in my 1st post dual APNs with vLans. It was a crucial feature for me. In page 109 of the manual it doesnt say that is not for the FWA710 and till this model all the Zyxel 5G routers had all the settings. I dont understand why this…
  • I forgot to mention that i also cannot alter in the WAN interface the ipv4/ipv6 mode. What ever i choose in there and i hit apply, it doesn't change.
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