Mijzelf my friend I'm very close now, thank you! I changed dns to as provided and I was able to ping the server. Also I managed to install Meta repository! Now it's the final step... How do I add the NFS package list, in order to enable it?
I didn't know how to ping...but searching net I found your post! So I followed this path, copied "" and I get the message that "unable to ping host" This happens also with all other hosts that there are in the list... So?
Still I haven't managed to install MetaRepository. web_prefix download "save link as" (is the only option), put it in the right directory on the Nas, then I press "Retrieve list from internet" 0% of progress, page refresh, but I can't see it in the list in order to install it... I don't know what else to do.
Thank you my friend! But web_prefix is the only file that is missing and can't be downloaded... All the others files are ok.