chmeee  Freshman Member


  • I 'resolved' the problem by tearing down my guest network and rebuilding it from scratch, all the way back to the router's VLAN configuration, choosing a different VLAN ID. I'm still really confused why it was happening in the first place, but it's not anymore.
  • I want to use IPv6 SLAAC on all VLANs; additionally, RA's are required for IPv6 to work. The problem I have is that devices connected to one SSID (so one VLAN) are receiving RA's that are intended for another VLAN. This is not a router issue, else I'd be receiving RA's from VLAN 8 on my Linux and FreeBSD devices, but I…
  • Your picture is close, but the Linux machine is connected to the switch, not using wifi. MBP and Android devices are on SSID-1 but getting IPv6 RAs from the VLANs for both SSID-1 and SSID-2. As requested, I've attached the tcpdump output from both my MBP and Linux devices, along with a (slightly sanitized) startup-config…